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Re: FW: Last Call: EtherIP: Tunneling Ethernet Frames in IP Datagrams to Proposed Standard

2001-01-07 23:10:02
At 07.33 +0200 01-01-08, Dan Romascanu wrote:
Can somebody please clarify the IESG announcement below? What means the
phrase 'This has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product of an IETF
Working Group. Is the IESG review available, if there has been some
discussions, where are they archived?

The statement means that the IESG is going to have a look at the document, but wants input to that discussion from the IETF community. People can send input until Feb 5 (hmmm...3 days ago :-).

After this time period has expired, the Area Director in charge for this document (the one which received the request from the working group or individual, as in this case) will do a review, suggest a descision for the IESG. The descision is what you see as the announcement later in the process, and in the minutes from the IESG meetings.

IESG meets every second week, but not always the AD in charge have time between the last call closes (Feb 5) and the next meeting (on thursday) to do the review, and sometimes ADs (which are only humans, belive it or not) have lost documents. Yes, I know I am personally guilty for some of them.

The important thing to remember for all of you is that after you have given the document to an AD for IESG review, the AD is responsible for the progress of the document until you hear otherwise. I.e. ask the AD what the status is. You can also see status on

If the AD or IESG have issues with the document, the editor (and in many cases the wg chair and the wg mailing list will be noticed. You don't have to do anything else than poke the AD now and then.

   Regards, Patrik
   Co-Area Director, Applications Area



 -----Original Message-----
 From:  The IESG [SMTP:iesg-secretary(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org]
 Sent:  Fri January 05 2001 21:12
 To:    IETF-Announce; 
 Subject:       Last Call: EtherIP: Tunneling Ethernet Frames in IP
 Datagrams to Proposed Standard

 The IESG has received a request to consider EtherIP: Tunneling Ethernet
 Frames in IP Datagrams <draft-housley-etherip-00.txt> as a Proposed
 Standard.  This has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product of
 an IETF Working Group.

 The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
 final comments on this action.  Please send any comments to the
 iesg(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org or ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org mailing lists by February 
5, 2001.

 Files can be obtained via

Patrik Fältström <paf(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com>       Internet Engineering Task 
Area Director, Applications Area         
Phone: (Stockholm) +46-8-4494212            (San Jose) +1-408-525-0940
       PGP: 2DFC AAF6 16F0 F276 7843  2DC1 BC79 51D9 7D25 B8DC

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