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RE: An alternative to TCP (part 2)

2001-02-07 13:08:40
I have a question:
If the traffic class field in the IPv6 header was changed, as suggested, to
a set of flags, then how would a full gammit of differentiated services be
indicated?  In other words, if there is only one flag indicating type of
service, then different levels of, for example, assured forwarding or
expedited forwarding cannot be supported or implemented.

Tina Iliff

-----Original Message-----
From: jag(_at_)kw(_dot_)com(_dot_)cn [mailto:jag(_at_)kw(_dot_)com(_dot_)cn]
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 8:28 AM
To: ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Subject: Re: An alternative to TCP (part 2)

ATP Header Format

The IPv6 packet whose payload contains an ATP packet must conform to latest
IPv6 specification, currently RFC 2460. ATP suggest that the traffic class
field should renamed to 'flags'. The leftmost bit could be RTP(real time
payload), the rightmost be ECN(Explicit Congestion notification), the others
are reserved. When RTP = 0, the packet falls in best-effort class of
service. When RTP = 1, the packet should be transmitted with as minimum
delay as possible.

Here is the pseudo-C data structure of an ATP header:
struct ATP-Packet
  struct IPv6-Fixed-Header /* IPv6 fixed header */
  version: 4;
  flag-RTP: 1;
  flags-reserved: 6;
  flag-ECN: 1;
  flow-label: 24
  payload-length: 16;
  next-header: 8;
  hop-limit: 8;
  source-addr: 128;
  destination-addr: 128;
  OPTIONAL IP-EXTENSION-HEADERS1;  /* chain of the IPv6 extension headers
that must appear before the authentication header. */
  OPTIONAL struct AuthenticationHeader /* IPSec AH */
    AHnextHeader: 8;
    AHpayloadLength: 8;
    reserved: 16;
    SPI: 32;
    AHsequenceNumber: 32;
    AuthData: VARIABLE (4..1020 bytes) /* must be 32-bit aligned.*/
    Padding: VARIABLE(0..4 bytes) /* make the header to 64-bit aligned */
  OPTIONAL IP-EXTENSION-HEADERS2;  /* chain of the IPv6 extension headers
that may appear after the authentication header. */
  ATP-flags-reserved: 5;
  flag-RST: 1;
  flag-SYN: 1; /* maybe it should be in the IPv6 fixed header? */
  flag-FIN: 1;
  Reserved: 4;
  WindowSize: 20;
  union {
    Checksum: 32;
    AckBitmap: 32;
  SequenceNumber: 32;
  HeaderStackPointer: 8;
  DataSegmentLength: 24;
  OPTIONAL ATP-extension-headers;
  Payload: VARIABLE(0..224-1 bytes);
  Padding: VARIABLE(0..7 bytes);
  OPTIONAL UrgentData;

ATP-flags-reserved: reserved flags.
flagRST: a control flag meaning ¡®reset¡¯.
flagSYN: a control flag meaning ¡®synchronize¡¯
flagFIN: a control flag meaning ¡®finish¡¯.
The meanings of the three flags are borrowed from TCP.

Reserved: 4 bits. They may be used to extent window size in the future.
Window-size: Size of the sending window. The size refers to packet instead
of byte.

Checksum: When ATP operates in non-security-extent mode the field is valid.
Method to compute the checksum of an ATP packet is the same as TCP, only
that the word length is now 32 bits. The fields which affect the checksum
include the source and destination address in the IP fixed header, the whole
ATP fixed header, all of the ATP optional headers, and the ATP payload. The
checksum field in the ATP header is cleared to zero before checksum is
computed. The payload is padding with zero to 64-bit alignment.

AckBitmap: When ATP operates in security-extent mode the field is valid. It
is a 32-bit map of selective acknowledgement. See 'Selective Acknowledgement

SequenceNumber: When ATP operates in non-security-extent mode it means the
sequence number of current packet. When ATP operates in security-extent
mode, it means the sequence number of an accumulatively acknowledged
accepted packet.

HeaderStackPointer: indicates the offset of the 64-bit word following the
last ATP extension header. The offset is relative to the start position of
the ATP fixed header. The unit of the pointer is 64-bit word. It is abnormal
if the value of the field is 0 or 1. No extension header exists if the value
is 2. Format of the ATP extension headers are described in following

DataSegmentLength: the length in bytes of the ATP payload. Unlike the IPv6
payload length which counts IPv6 extension headers, data segment length of
an ATP packet does not count the fixed header or extension headers. 

Payload is of variable length, from 0 to 2**24-1 bytes.

Padding makes the payload 64-bit aligned.

UrgentData is a special ATP extension header. See following paragraphs.

ATP Extension Headers

General Format:
struct general_ATP_extension_header
  Bit-Field2: VARIABLE(0..512 bytes);
  HeaderPointer: 8;
  OptionCode: 8;
  Bit-Field1: 16;

HeaderPointer has similar meaning as HeaderStackerPointer. It point to the
first 64-bit word of the current extension header. The pointer refers to
64-bit word. It is the offset relative to the start position of the ATP
fixed header. The pointer points to the fixed header if the value is 2,
which means reaching bottom of the header stack. Pointer value 0 and 1 are
reserved. One may get the byte address of the header pointer field in the
next extension header by multiplying the value with 8, then minus the result
with 4.

OptionCode uniquely determines content and semantic of the extension header.

Bit-Field1 and Bit-Field2 are dependent on OptionCode.

OptionCode 0: reserved.

OptionCode 1: Congestion Feedback, Length 64 bits (8 bytes), format:
struct ATP-Congestion-Feedback
  WindowSize: 32;
  HeaderPointer: 8;
  OptionCode: 8; /* == Binary 00000001  */
  Reserved: 16;

WindowSize equals to the receiving window size. It is expected by adjusting
sending window size in keeping with the receiving window size the sender and
the receiver may fine-tune transmit rate. It is assumed that the congestion
feedback is useful in LAN environment because the round trip time is short
enough for the feedback to be effective.

OptionCode 2: Selective Acknowledgement, length variable(8..520 bytes),
struct ATP-Selective-Acknowledgement
  AckBitmap: VARIABLE(0..4095 bit);
  BitPadding: VARIABLE(0..63 bit);
  SequenceNumber: 32;
  HeaderPointer: 8;
  OptionCode: 8; /* value is binary 00000010 */
  Reserved: 4;
  BitmapLength: 12;

AckBitmap maps each bit in the field to the acknowledgements to a sequence
of continuous ATP packets. The first bit should always be zero. When a bit
is set to 1 it indicated that the corresponding packet has been accepted by
the receiver. Or else the packet may be lost due to network congestion or
line error, may be rejected by the receiver, or may not have been sent at
all. If Bitmap-Length is zero, there is actually no Ack-Bitmap field (or
thereafter Bit-Padding) in the header.

BitPadding, if there is, makes the AckBitmap 64-bit aligned.

SequenceNumber is that of the first ATP packet to be acknowledged. This
packet has no mapped bit in AckBitmap. The AckBitmap mapped sequence of ATP
packets must be continously following this first ATP packet.

BitmapLength is the actual bit length of the Ack-Bitmap field. It may be
zero, or any value from 2 to 4095.

OptionCode 3: Urgent Data, Length variable (8..264 bytes), format:
struct ATP-Urgent-Data
  UrgentDataBlock: VARIABLE(0 or 2..256 bytes);
  Padding: VARIABLE(0..7 bytes);
  NextHeaderPointer: 32;
  HeaderPointer: 8;
  OptionCode: 8; /* value is binary 00000011*/
  SingleByteData: 8;
  DataTailOffset: 8;

UrgentDataBlock field, if there is, stores the urgent data longer than one
byte. The actually length of the data equa DataTailOffset plus 1.

Padding, if there is, makes the urgent data block 8-byte (64-bit) aligned.

NextHeaderPointer is the byte address that store the NextHeader field in the
header just below the urgent data header in the extension header stack.

SingleByteData is the data byte if DataTailOffset is zero. It should be zero
if DataTailOffset is non-zero.

DataTailOffset is zero if the length of the urgent data is 1, and therefore
the data is stored in the SingleByteData field. If DataTailOffset is
non-zero, UrgentDataBlock contains the actually byte stream of the urgent

OptionCode 4: Fast Negation, length variable(8..520 bytes), format:
struct ATP-Fast-Negation
  NackBitmap: VARIABLE (0..4095 bits);
  BitPadding: VARIABLE (0..63 bits);
  SequenceNumber: 32;
  HeaderPointer: 8;
  OptionCode: 8; /* value is binary 00000100 */
  Reserved: 4;
  BitmapLength: 12;

NackBitmap maps each bit in the field to a sequence of contiguous ATP
packets. If a bit is 1, the corresponding ATP packet is said to be
explicitly and NEGATIVELY acknowledged by the receiver. Or else the state of
the packet is unknown.

BitPadding makes the NackBitmap 64-bit aligned.

SequenceNumber is that of the first ATP packet to be NACKed. The sequence of
ATP packets corresponding to NackBitmap, if there is, should be continuously
following this first ATP packet.

BitmapLength is the actual bit length of the NackBitmap.

OptionCode 5, Payload Code Transform, format to be defined.

OptionCode 6, Payload Code Transform Negotiation, format TBD.

OptionCode 7, Resource Reservation, format TBD

OptionCode 8-255: reserved.

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