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Re: WG Review: Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes)

2001-06-19 10:40:02
Randy Bush wrote:

1. Something OPES-like will be standardised in the IETF

2. Something OPES-like will be standardised in another organisation,
   perhaps one with less clue than the IETF about scaling and security.

i do not intend this to be a comment on the worthiness or not of the opes
effort.  but i very much dislike this argument.

maybe someone else will load mrs. greenberg on the train, but it will not
be i.

I very carefully refrained from making that argument; you (and others) are 
reading it into what I said, which was a factual observation. This is yet 
another game of whack-a-mole. 

My personal views on e2e transparency are well enough known (RFC 2775). 
I like it.


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