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RE: MPLS,IETF, etc..

2001-09-03 23:30:03
From: Bob Braden [mailto:braden(_at_)ISI(_dot_)EDU]
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 1:29 PM

Hi Bob,

Simplicity, in this case, seems to be in the eye of the beholder.

There is certainly some universal truth in that statement.

I don't get why label swapping is any simpler than hop/hop forwarding.

It's simpler, IMHO, because it accomplishes more and does so in
a way that is globally beneficial.

That is, MPLS (in its fundamental goals) goes a long way toward
integrating L3 and L2 in a way that leverages the strengths and
discounts the weaknesses of the two paradigms:


The concept of scaling hop/hop forwarding via more capable hardware
has its benefits (mostly of the short-term economic variety...which
can be quite powerful, I agree), but is in the long run (I believe)
inferior (in terms of scalability and synthesis, at least) to a more
fundamental architecture/software solution.



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