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Re: How many standards or protocols...

2002-04-19 13:54:43
Or more practically, you'd probably want to sell a service based upon
you're one implementation of that single instance. Just keep skimming
from everyone's pocket to keep the fatted calf alive until the patent
protection ran out

Yeah, I thought of that--but, with so much at stake, patents wouldn't mean 
much.  Someone would read your patent, duplicate your work, and go set up 
shop in a poor nation that's more interested in feeding its people than 
enforcing your patent.  You might do better not applying for a patent at 
all, and just keeping it secret--but Nature keeps no secrets; once you'd 
proved it was possible, someone else would figure it out.

|John Stracke                    |Principal Engineer              |
|jstracke(_at_)incentivesystems(_dot_)com   |Incentive Systems, Inc.         |
| |My opinions are my own.         |
|Among animals, it's eat or be eaten. Among people, it's define or|
|be defined.                                                      |

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