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Re: paralysis

2004-03-07 16:18:01
Paul Hoffman / IMC writes:
At 8:19 AM -0800 3/6/04, Michael Thomas wrote:
So... instead of pointing out the obvious that
there is no silver bullet, wouldn't it be a lot
more productive to frame this debate in terms of
what incremental steps could be taken to at least
try to change the overall climate?

Only if such framing includes the costs of the steps. To date, most 
of the initial proposals we have seen on this (and many other) lists 
have three attributes in common:

- They don't list the obvious problems

- They don't even guess at the costs of those problems

- They don't have an analysis of how hard or easy it will be for 
spammers to adapt to the proposal

Fine. Truth in advertising is wonderful. Then
what?  From what I can tell, anything that falls
short of perfection then gets summarily
executed. What metrics do you suggest when the
answer is less than perfect that doesn't result in
paralysis? That seems to be the real breakdown
