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RE: Resolution? #787 terminology and issue 794 - naming of accou nts

2005-01-26 18:44:35
At 1:25 PM +0100 1/26/05, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) wrote:
Having seen some more reactions... I think we can solve
the "general Ledger Accounts" issue with a very simple
addition as follows:

            <section title="Cost Center Accounting" anchor="cc-accounting">
                    As discussed with ISOC, funds managed by IASA shall
                    be accounted for in a separate set of general ledger
                    accounts within the Cost Center IASA.
                    In the remainder of this document, these general ledger
                    accounts are termed "IASA accounts".
                    A periodic summary of the IASA accounts shall be reported
                    in the form of standard financial statements that reflect
                    the income, expenses, assets, and liabilities of the IASA
                    cost center.

Bert, one nit -- the last sentence should be changed as follows:

s/and liabilities of the IASA cost center./and liabilities of IASA./

Cost center terminology refers to the P&L but as we're including assets and liabilities it doesn't really belong here.

Thanks, Lynn

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