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64bit time_t

2008-06-21 11:38:41

I know this is not the proper forum for this message.  I lack sufficient 
contacts to send this idea to.  So I provide it to you here.  There are /so/ 
many people (influential and otherwise) on this list that seeding this proposal 
here seems like the best way to do it.  I apologize now if you feel I am 
abusing the IETF mailing list.

We currently (normally) store time as the number of elapsed seconds since 
January 1st 1970 GMT.  The resolution of time_t is poor.  Given the high speed 
applications we use today, timing based on time_t is next to impossible.

I have a solution.

Make time_t 64 bits wide.  Make the most significant bit (bit 63) a sign bit.  
Make the next 50 significant bits store the number of seconds elapsed since 
January 1st 2000 GMT.  The last 13 bits be of fractions of a second.

This method would make it EASY to make a clock chip.   It need only operate at 
a clock pulse rate of 8192 cycles per second (2^13.)

With 2^50 seconds storage you can date documents, artifacts and files (forward 
and backward, thanks to the sign bit) up to ~35,628,841 years.

Of course the significand (the 50 bits) need not be this wide.  We could 
shorten it and add the bits not used to the fractional part of time_t to 
increase resolution.

What do you think?


Chad Christopher Giffin
a.k.a. "typo"


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