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Re: Update of RFC 2606 based on the recent ICANN changes ?

2008-07-08 11:57:02

Keith Moore wrote:
Joe Touch wrote:

Keith Moore wrote:
|> RFC1043 defines the dot. The fact that some apps don't recognize it is a
|> bug.
| not when the application explicitly specifies that FQDNs are to be used.
| in such cases the dot is superfluous.

Superfluous is fine. Prohibited is not. If the app inputs DNS names,
then FQDNs should be valid, even if redundant.

I don't think you get to revise a couple of decades of protocol design and implementation by declaring that RFC 1043's authors and process trump everything that's been done afterward.

I'll repeat:
        some app misbehaviors are just bugs

        not all app misbehaviors define new, acceptable behavior

At some point we as a group decide what to accept as BCP, and what to just call a bug. This, IMO, falls squarely in the 'bug' bin.


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