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Re: draft-sheffer-running-code-03 published

2013-04-06 10:15:26
Yes, we could do what you suggest, but as you found, it requires a kind of
meta-note to the RFC Editor that starts to get messy and confusing.

I don't know: I don't think the meta-note is a problem.  Perhaps you
might pass it by Sandy and see if she thinks it's reasonable and

If you feel strongly that something needs to be included in the boilerplate we
can look again. but since it is only suggested rather than mandated 
maybe it is enough to ask for a note to be added rather than including the 
of the note in the boilerplate?

Sure, it's enough... though I really do think that if you're
recommending boilerplate, you should recommend complete boilerplate.

But, no, this isn't a "DISCUSS" level thing.  :-)


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