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Re: NIST documents

2013-10-04 07:48:23
Dearlove, Christopher (UK) wrote:
One draft I'm working on [...]

(Of course I haven't been able to check the copyright on [NIST documents ...)

As a author of IT-related documents, you should be aware that, by its constitution plus long lasting tradition, the US government "works of authorship" have no copyright claims on them. The principle being that "we, the people" paid for a civil servant to make a write-up, nobody can claim intellectual property. Maybe the openness of the Internet owes a lot to this tradition.

So, NIST documents can be used as if in the public domain.

Bizarrely, the RSA and early public key crypto patents were filed precisely because US government funding was involved, but that's part of a longer story.


- Thierry Moreau

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