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Re: content inspection in absence of media type, was: [apps-discuss] APPSDIR review of draft-ietf-httpbis-p2-semantics-24

2013-10-29 10:29:33
There is then a RFC 2119 "may" which is applicable when the (previous)
RFC 2119 "should" cannot be applied.  My reading of the "may" is that
the usage is not entirely correct.  I am not raising that as an issue.

I still don't get what the issue is :-)

Yeh, neither do I, and I'm pretty sensitive to those SHOULD+MAY
issues.  The one in Section seems perfectly fine: it says that
the server SHOULD do something, and that if the server has not done
that the client MAY do something to try to compensate.  A-OK to me.
The tricky bits with SHOULD+MAY occur when both key words apply to the
same entity under the same conditions.  That's not the case here.


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