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Re: technical discussion around draft-ietf-netmod-iana-timezone

2014-01-16 12:19:28
At 08:21 16-01-2014, Paul Eggert wrote:
Martin Bjorklund wrote:

why is this a problem?

Because people often use names that are not in
Just today, for example, someone asked on the tz mailing
about Asia/Calcutta, a name that's not in but which
does work.  Although Asia/Calcutta was formerly in
and so could presumably rely on a proleptic application of
whatever deprecation procedure the YANG maintainers want to
establish, some commonly-used names have never been in -- US/Pacific is one example.

More generally, there is a political burden in coming up
with a "canonical" list of names.  This is a long story, one
that's connected to conflicts between Israelis and
Palestinians, between the Serbs and the Croats, etc.  If the
YANG maintainers, whoever they are, want to address this
problem, more power to them; but it's not a burden the TZ
coordinator should have to take up.

At 09:42 16-01-2014, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
> Palestinians, between the Serbs and the Croats, etc.  If the
> YANG maintainers, whoever they are, want to address this
> problem, more power to them; but it's not a burden the TZ
> coordinator should have to take up.

I am pretty sure noone wants to address this problem.  Again, we just
want a version of expressed in YANG.

I agree with what Paul Eggert wrote (see message at for the political aspect). The NETMOD Working Group could choose YANG maintainers to do the work instead of pushing the political burden to the TZ coordinator.

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