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Re: IETF areas re-organisation steps

2014-12-26 19:47:35

I'd like to understand how you expect the various job descriptions to change. 
In particular, with regard to NAPP (or  it ends up being called), do you 
intend to simply combine the three? I ask because if a goal is to encourage 
people to be ADs, if the description reads as though nobody would be 
qualified to do All of That, then nobody will apply.  Knowing this I'm sure 
you already have lots of thoughts on how to guide NOMCOM. Could you share?

Good question.

The descriptions have to change. In the case of NAPP, that’s a description that 
we need by summer 2015.

As you point out, it would be a bad idea to require people that can do 
everything. I think the answer is that among the set of ADs covering the area, 
they should be able to cover the technical topics in that area. Preferably with 
some overlap. This isn’t all that different from what has happened in the past 
with big areas such as INT; no AD usually has the breadth to cover everything 
alone, but together they can do a reasonable job. Putting the puzzle together 
means some more work for the nomcom, however.


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