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Re: Gen-ART and OPS-Dir review of draft-wkumari-dhc-capport-13

2015-07-13 13:36:38
"Ted" == Ted Lemon <ted(_dot_)lemon(_at_)nominum(_dot_)com> writes:

    Ted> On 07/13/2015 10:58 AM, Sam Hartman wrote:
    >> Since no browsers support DANE, I don't think it's fair to give
    >> an operational recommendation in favor of DNSsec.  I don't think
    >> it buys you anything with today's software.
    Ted> What I had in mind with this is not so much DANE but rather
    Ted> just being able to make the claim that the answer (e.g., AAAA
    Ted> record) being returned to the host is actually a name owned by
    Ted> the company claiming to operate the captive portal.  I will
    Ted> admit that I haven't really thought this through, and you are
    Ted> right that one of the more obvious use cases for this would be
    Ted> validating the cert using TLSA.  Of course if the portal
    Ted> doesn't support the TLSA queries, that means that the host
    Ted> can't require that they work, which seems like a bad outcome,
    Ted> so recommending support for DNSSEC is a win even if the hosts
    Ted> don't initially use it.

I have never been convinced that DNSsec validation of A or AAAA records
has value.
I understand I am a heretic in the security community for saying that,
but there it is.

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