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Re: draft-ietf-eppext-keyrelay unreasonably stuck on IPR?

2016-11-08 13:58:29

On 08/11/16 18:40, S Moonesamy wrote:
Hi Job,
At 06:47 08-11-2016, Job Snijders wrote:
Since the EPPEXT Working Group has been concluded and evolved into
regext, I'm reaching out to the bigger group about a document that
somehow is stuck.

Did the authors or Working Group address the second part of the DISCUSS?

I believe they did. It's so long ago though I forget;-)

As to the meat of this, my discuss says "the DISCUSS is to ask
did I miss stuff and if not how can WG participants have
rationally considered an IPR declaration if the licensing
information will only arrive "later" after the document is
approved to become an RFC?"

As Job says, the reaction from the folks who declared IPR was
that they needed a bit of time to check internally. And it
seems that they gave that response again again some months

I also chatted with Job about this a while back and indicated
that I'd be willing to clear (though not happy to clear) if the
response from the WG (via the chairs or AD) were something like
"the WG has consensus to live with the crap situation, seems
like it's not improving and we don't have anyone saying it out
be blocking."  I don't think I ever did hear that back from anyone
though. Had I, I would have cleared the discuss. (And apologies
if I missed a statement to that effect.)


S. Moonesamy

P.S. There may have been a communication breakdown as the draft started
in EPPEXT which no longer exists.  There was also some personnel changes
along the way.

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