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Systers Networking - Thursday lunchtime in Prague

2017-07-11 21:01:45
IETF Systers is a networking group for women in the IETF.  We have kindly
been sponsored by several organizations (Cisco, Comcast, and Dell) for
gatherings at each IETF, and will meet this IETF in Prague during lunchtime
on Thursday, at a location in the meeting hotel TBA soon.

Women colleagues, please join the systers(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org mailing list if 
you are
not already there for more information and with any questions (and/or you
can email me).  There's a Doodle poll for the headcount at:

Safe travels, and see everyone soon,

Allison (on behalf of the women of IETF Systers)
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