
Re: lib/lists.def filter by Subject?

2003-07-14 16:17:50
On July 14, 2003 at 14:46, "David Mathog" wrote:

I tried it and it turned up a bug in mharc.  Here is my lists.def
minus the comments:

Description: Admin Messages for lists

Where is the first Name: option?

From-Address: Majordomo@
From-Address: majordomo@
From-Address: mailman-owner@
From-Address: .*-request@
From-Address: .*-help@
Period: year
Final: 1
Name: .r32q_mailerd_messages
Description: Mailer Daemon Messages
From-Address: MAILER-DAEMON@
Period: year
Final: 1
Name: biomail
Description: biomail Biology Division Mailing List
From-Address: biomail(_at_)caltech(_dot_)edu
From-Address: owner-biomail(_at_)its(_dot_)caltech(_dot_)edu
Address: biomail(_at_)caltech(_dot_)edu
Address: owner-biomail(_at_)its(_dot_)caltech(_dot_)edu
Period: year
Final: 1
Name: resolver
Description: Rosetta Resolver Mailing List
From-Address: .
Procmail-Condition: *

Did your mailer wrap this line?

Period: year
Final: 1
Name: caltech-weekly
Description: Caltech weekly updates and other announcements
From-Address: (_dot_)*(_at_)(_dot_)*caltech(_dot_)edu
Period: year
Final: 1

Could you tar-gz up your lists.def and generated procmailrc.mharc
and send it to me?  I need to examine the raw data to determine
if there is actually a bug or not.


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