
Re: Mharc question: remove cgi scripts from period navigation.

2005-01-07 12:53:49
On January 3, 2005 at 15:15, "Matt Burton" wrote:

I have asked the mharc discussion list, but have gotten little response so I
figured I'd just ask you.

If you are not subscribed to the list, then your message will be blocked
until manually screened by the list administrator.  Screening can take
awhile depending on the work load of the administrator.  It appears
you message finally made it to the list since it is present in the

As to your question:

I hope this is not an inconvenience.
I would like to know if it is possible to use mharc to create html archives
and then move them to a separate web-server.

Yes and no, depends on what exactly your are trying to do.

I have been copying the
generated html documents, but there is still the issue of the CGI scripts
(specifically mnav.cgi which is used for period browsing).  Is there a way I
could set up mharc to hard code the Next/Prev Period links so they don't use
the mnav.cgi?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

You will need to post-process the data after you copy.  Since mharc
may only process a single period of an archive at a time, it does not
know if there is a "next" or "previous" period.  Now, technically,
mharc could be modified to make checks and update period archives,
but this can be inefficient (reasons has to do with how mhonarc works).

One trick could have mharc perform a post-process step on period index
pages (like you would have to do during your copy operation) instead
of instructing mhonarc to make the changes.  Such a task is possible
of the next/prev links have a specific markup layout so static href
values can be inserted, avoiding the need for mnav.cgi.

For now, you should be able to write a perl script that can replace
all calls to mnav.cgi with a static URL.  The script can pre-load
what all the periods are, and then using the arguments to mnav.cgi
to determine which URL to use.

BTW, what is the reason for not using mnav.cgi?  Security?  Reading
archives locally without a web server?


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