
Re: MHonArc 2.02a2 : Problems on HP

1996-11-07 09:14:52
Earl: I've installed 2.02a2 on an HP9000 700 series, and run into a couple
of problems you may want to know about. I have hacked 'mhonarc', and it
works  OK, but I don't speak perl

I am using perl 4.036

The problem is some of the code is not legal Perl 4.

The error I encountered was
error on MHonArc 2.02 alpha 2

jzedward(_at_)cnossos $ mhonarc /usr/mail/jzedward
syntax error in file /usr/local/bin/mhonarc at line 1518, next 2 tokens
 = split(/$X/o, $Derived{$index})"
  (Might be a runaway multi-line {} string starting on line 1516)

I commented lines 1515-1529 approx as

   ## Set modification times -- Use eval incase OS does not support utime.
# commented out by JZE because of errors
    # if ($MODTIME && !$SINGLE) {
        # eval q{
            # $tmp = &get_time_from_index($index);
            # @array2 = split(/$X/o, $Derived{$index});
            # grep($_ = $OUTDIR . $DIRSEP . $_, @array2);
            # unshift(@array2, $filepathname);
            # utime($tmp, $tmp, @array2);
        # };
    # }

    # ($i_p0, $filename);

Changing the delimiters used by the q// operator should fix the
problem.  In the "eval" the q// uses "{}" to delimit the string
for eval.  However, Perl 4 improperly terminates the string when
a '}' is encountered in the split() function.

Try something like "eval q% ... %".

I also had to comment a section of as follows

   ## Convert data according to charset
    if (!$asis{$charset}) {
        ##      Japanese message
        if ($charset =~ /iso-2022-jp/i) {
            return (&jp2022(*data));

        ##      Latin 2-6, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic
        #} elsif ($charset =~ /iso-8859-([2-9]|10)/i) {
            #$data = iso_8859'str2sgml($data, $charset);
Just insert the '&' character here.  Perl 5 does not require
the '&' for invoking subroutines, but Perl 4 does.  Hence I did not
notice the problem since I have been using Perl 5.


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