
Re: preserve path-links of the img src="" in body mail message???

2008-03-13 22:13:13
On March 12, 2008 at 08:02, "Alexandre Pedroso" wrote:

*Original line in the body message*

 <P align=center><IMG height=32 *src=* width=200 
face=Tahoma color=#cf094a size=4>Very good system</FONT></B></P></TD>

*Mhonarc changed line in the body message*

<P align=center><IMG height=32 *src="gifcLRVf7gvYJ.gif"* width=200
border=0><BR><B><FONT face=Tahoma color=#cf094a size=4>Very good system

I'd have to see the original raw message to know for sure, but
my guess is that the message was an MHTML message, and the
image denoted by
was embedded in the email message itself, so mhonarc used that

You can do the following to disable MHTML processing:

m2h_text_html::filter; disablerelated allownoncidurls

But that may cause messages to not convert as you like if you
archiving many MHTML messages.  Also, the allownoncidurls
option (so the SRC attribute value is preserved) opens you
up to security vulnerabilities.

See the MIMEFILTERS resource page about the m2h_text_html::filter
for more information.
