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Re: Is exact subject searching possible

2002-09-09 09:06:32
(Courtesy cc to mharc-users list)

On September 2, 2002 at 19:13, NOKUBI Takatsugu wrote:

I tried the following:

  +subject:"Hello World!"

(i.e. remove the quotes in the subject text)
but it does not work also.

How about the following?

+subject:/Hello World!/

I think you need to escape some special characters.

The regex search is what I needed.

To get what I ultimately wanted took a little work.  My goal was to
have a link on archived message pages that would auto-execute a
search to list all messages with the same subject, but to also deal
with any preceding "Re:", "Fwd:", et. al., so they were ignored during
the search.

I believe I got what I want, and you can see an example of it at

Go down to the end of the body if the email message to where the
"[More with this subject...]" link is and activate it.  You'll see
the complicated regex pattern used for the search.

The main reason I wanted this is to provide a work-around to the
limitation that the current thread listing is limited to the current
archive period.  By leveraging Namazu to do a psuedo-exact subject
search, it allows the reader to get potentially relevant messages to
the current message across the entire list archive.

This functionality will be included in the next release of the mharc,
<> (still need to make a
real homepage).  It is already included into the CVS tree, so if you
are interested in seeing how the link is generated, you can check it
out from <> (the mharc source
is under the mharc directory of the CVS tree).  The main file to check
out is the web-archive program and the mha_rcvar_expand() routine.
It provides support for a special MHonArc resource variable via the
callback API to help generate the link.


P.S.  Since Namazu has special support for mail header fields, I
do not think the kind of auto-searches I've put into mharc would be
possible with any other search engine.

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