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Re: what does "mh" stand for?

1994-06-29 12:08:29

It is for the discussion of the "mh" mail handing software...  Although there
may be some concern about the "mental health" of some of those so involved :-)

        - John

|  John K. Scoggin, Jr.                 Email: scoggin(_at_)delmarva(_dot_)com  
|  Supervisor, Network Operations              
scoggin(_at_)ee(_dot_)udel(_dot_)edu    |
|  Delmarva Power & Light Company       Phone: (302) 451-5200         |
|  500 N. Wakefield Drive               NOC:   (800) 388-7076         |
|  Newark, DE 19714-6066                Fax:   (302) 451-5321         |
|                                       Ham:   N3??? (real soon now!) |
|  The opinions expressed are not those of Delmarva Power, simply the |
|  product of an over-active imagination...                           |
|  Just a pothole-patcher on the Information Superhighway.            |

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