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Re: bug with mh 6.8.3 popd on BSD 4.4 (FreeBSD)

1995-12-07 18:03:08
    The problem with MH on systems where off_t is 64 bits but long is 32
    is (as far as we know) twofold:

    1) support/pop/popser.c does not have a prototype for truncate()
       ...thus, the second argument by default becomes an int

Fixed (by including unistd.h).

    2) uip/dropsbr.c contains code which assumes that off_t is equal
       in size to a long... the invocation of mbx_read() in map_write()
       casts that argument to off_t.

Got it.  I removed the cast to off_t.


PS: Can anyone recommend a good reference to the POSIX standard?

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