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Re: sorting messages by thread

2002-09-12 22:28:47

Thanks, these are all very helpful. I wasn't aware of the refile -link
trick. Anyway, I'll write the script to sort by thread myself. I just
thought someone has already done it.


* Jerry Peek <jpeek(_at_)jpeek(_dot_)com> [020911 19:41]:
Jerry Peek wrote:
MH/nmh messages are stored in files, one 
message per file... so it's reasonably simple to write programs that 
rearrange the messages in whatever order you want.

Two more maybe-obvious tips:

If you want to sort a folder that already exists -- without using links 
to a new folder -- you can refile _into the current folder_, past the 
last message.  For instance, if the current folder has 479 messages, a 
command like this:

refile 1 10 12 @.

will make message 1 into message 480, message 10 into message 481, and 
message 12 into message 482.  The "@." is a relative folder pathname 
that stands for "the current folder," no matter what its name is.

Another tip, for whatever it's worth: there are a few ways to 
search/sort/whatever all un-refiled messages.  One way is to make a 
sequence with the source messages, like this:

mark -add -zero -sequence source all

Then, as you continue to reorder messages, the sequence named "source" 
will hold only the un-moved messages.

You also can use ranges like first-487 to match all messages between the 
first remaining message and message 487 (which was the last message in 
the original folder, as I mentioned above).  For instance:

pick source --in-reply-to '<message-id>' ...
sortm -textfield ... first-487

Jerry Peek, jpeek(_at_)jpeek(_dot_)com, http://www.jpeek.com/

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