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Re: [Nmh-workers] obsolete optional slocal argument format

2012-11-27 22:09:33
Even longer-lived was a bug in OS/360, where the JCL code checked for a
"skipped" jobstep by checking for a non-zero execution time, as even IEFBR14
took at least 0.01 seconds to run once you counted the initiator CPU time and
all that stuff.  Then the 303x showed up and the CPU time for an IEFBR14 could
register as 0.00.  Bug must have been in the original MFT/MVT code in
1964-ish, and I remember applying the OS/VS1 patch in 1984 or so....

I'm not sure which is sadder ... you reminiscing about IEFBR14, or the fact
that I also remember it.

Even stranger, IEFBR14 has it's own Wikipedia entry.  Ah, good times.


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