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[nmh-workers] Need help with sending mail

2018-10-24 04:49:32
I'm hoping someone can point me to the documentation (or give me the
answer) regarding configuration for outgoing mail.
I am using MH-E and I am able to receive mail fine but get this error when

post: problem initializing server; [RPLY] 530 Authentication required
send: message not delivered to anyone

Adding -verbose to send or post does not provide any more detail.
I'm not sure what exactly is missing. I think I've set everything correctly
but can't find explicit instructions in the docs, and I've been googling
for over a week.
The password is set correctly in ~/.netrc and ~/.authinfo and I don't see
anywhere else it is supposed to be.

My ~/.mh_profile is:

MH-Profile-Version: 1.0
Path: /home/jay/Mail
Editor: emacsclient
credentials: file:netrc
post: -mts smtp -server smtp.1and1.com -port 587 -initialtls -user "*@

(with or without quotes around user does not seem to matter)
I think -initialtls is what I need but -tls does not work either.
I get the same error when using mh from the command line.
Notmuch and mu4e work fine inside Emacs. I like MH-E and would like to use

I hope someone can advise me.
Thank you.

-- Jay Dresser, nmh@jaydresser.us <jay@jaydresser.us>
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