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Re: [nmh-workers] strace show # pauses/takes 5+ sec | network issue? ( not nmh )

2019-09-10 08:11:29
nmh@trodman.com wrote:
    > On Mon 9/9/19 22:45 +0100 Michael Richardson wrote:
    >> Also, are you running NMH on your VPS?

    > Yes, on a fedora 29, a Xen host on prgmr.com; mhmail -- nmh-1.7.1

So, the pause could be in sending your the output.
That could be a TCP MTU discovery issue.

    > In /usr/local/nmh/etc/nmh/mts.conf today, I added the line:

    >     localname: localhost.localdomain

    > Thanks to all of you for the help!

That sounds like the actual fix.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
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