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Re: format and output all received: lines in an e-mail message

2019-11-20 08:00:56
Hi Greg,

That's all I've time for at the moment, but others may chip in and this
saves them covering some of the ground.

Ken's mhl(1) suggestion is what I would have tried.  But there's also
non-nmh solutions, e.g. sed or awk if you're familiar with those.
This prints all the Foo fields, each on a line, joining continuation lines.

    #! /usr/bin/gawk -bf

    BEGIN {
        IGNORECASE = 1

    pending {
        if (/^[ \t]/) {
            printf " %s", $0
        } else {
            print ""
            pending = 0

    /^foo[ \t]*:/ {
        printf "%s:%s", FILENAME, $0
        pending = 1

    /^$/ {

    END {
        if (pending)
            print ""

Cheers, Ralph.

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