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Re: send -snoop -nomime -msgid -server smtp.gmail.com -port 587 -tls -sasl -user examplefoo(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com ./foo

2021-08-22 13:40:41
Ken wrote:

Any tips? Any progress on another type of authetication?

I mean, we've only talked about our XOAUTH2 support for gmail here
for ... 5 years now :-)

We officially support Gmail via XOAUTH2; there was a time when our
approval was denied, but thanks to some hard work it was approved
and should work fine.  I believe starting with the mhlogin(1) man page
might be helpful.

Some clarification on the current status:  At this point, there are two
ways to use nmh's XOAUTH2 support for gmail.

The support that's in mainline nmh (including nmh 1.7) for XOAUTH2 uses
these send(1) switches:

  -sasl -saslmech xoauth2 -authservice gmail -tls -server
smtp.gmail.com -user examplefoo@gmail.com

See the send(1) and mhlogin(1) man pages.  This access was not approved
by Google, so you'll get a warning when you set up access with mhlogin.

The second  way to use XOAUTH2 is with Google APIs.  That has been
approved by Google.  There's an implementation on the nmh-gmailapis
branch.  The docs/contrib/gmailapis/README.md file has setup instructions.
It's currently written in Python, but some day I hope to integrate it
into the mainline nmh C code.


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