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Re: automatic decode mime in repl

2022-02-09 17:59:47
    Date:        Wed, 9 Feb 2022 22:34:07 +0000
    From:        David Levine <levinedl@acm.org>

  | If you use a Bourne-compatible shell, would you try this, please:
  |     source $(mhparam docdir)/contrib/replaliases

That means bash - or perhaps one or two others, for general
shell compat, use . instead of source:

        . $(mhparam docdir)/contrib/replaliases

  | Where [msg] is the usual optional message argument to repl.  All
  | other common repl arguments are supported as well because rtm is an
  | alias that eventually relies on repl.

Really a function, not an alias, which is a much better idea.


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