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Re: Experimental IMAP branch

2022-02-12 12:16:41
Wow.  First, amazing work, Eric!

Personally, I'd prefer it be in C.  But you know what?  Since you wrote
it, you get to decide!  And maybe that's just my old ass not wanting
to learn a new language.  But, the world moves on whether I'd like
it to or not.

A minor thought:

- Enhance =inc= to incorporate mail from a hierarchy of IMAP mailboxes.
- Enhance =inc= to delete mail locally that has been deleted on the server.

I've often thought that the job of inc is to takes messages from a
maildrop/file and put them in nmh mailboxes.  Since normally messages
are put into your IMAP inbox by the mail server, I'm not sure inc
will be used much in an IMAP universe, unless you are bringing email
from an existing maildrop.  But maybe I am not understanding your
exact architecture.

I look forward to trying this code out!


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