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Re: Just updated from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 8.5 and can't find nmh anywhere

2022-02-21 16:53:08
Ken Hornstein <kenh@pobox.com> writes:
I thought it would be in EPEL.  I've looked around and I can't find it
anywhere.  I installed from source (1.7.1), but lots of things are broken
and I'd prefer to use the rpm version like I had before.
Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Hm.  I'm a little unclear how that works, actually!  I thought that
Rocky Linux got stuff from Fedora, and we're in Fedora?  Maybe?
Shoot, I admit that I have NO idea!  But I am sure that the people that
DO have an idea are on this list.

Yeah, I just use the version from Fedora.  I have a private patch
that hacks up one or two details to suit me, so I'd have to build
locally anyway.  But you can typically build any Fedora package
on RHEL pretty easily, as long as you pick the Fedora version that
your version of RHEL branched off from.  (For RHEL8, that happened
somewhere between F28 and F29 I believe; so F28 specfiles pretty
much always work, F29 only usually.)

One other thing to worry about is that RHEL might not even carry
the prerequisites of the package you want.  When rebuilding
nmh-1.7.1-7 on RHEL8, I found I needed perl-NKF which is not in
base RHEL8.  Fortunately you can get it from the codeready repo.

                        regards, tom lane

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