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Re: PGP-MIME integration

1995-01-13 19:39:00
At 5:03 PM 1/13/95, Ian Duncan wrote:
As a rough opener, I'm not 100% convinced that the space set up in the PEM
framework for other security protocols is a comfortable fit for the
existing PGP formats and practice. There's argument for some reflection on

The MIME Security multipart was written with the intention of supporting
multiple schemes, including PGP.  Whether it succeeds will, of course,
depend upon doing the detailed spec work to map PGP into the MIME Security
multipart framework.  That's underway.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg Consulting                                  +1 408 246 8253
675 Spruce Dr.                                    fax:  +1 408 249 6205
Sunnyvale, CA  94086                       

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