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Comments on pem-mime-07.txt

1995-01-24 11:56:00

The Internet community desperately needs good security mechanisms defined for 
MIME.  This is not a good reason to release a flawed specification on the 
world.  The draft-ietf-pem-mime-07.txt document provides a loosely written set 
of mechanisms that do not include adequate recommendations for the development 
of truly interoperable systems.  Holding back the progression of this 
specification is the only way to ensure that changes are made to fix this 

The PEM-MIME specification is akin to a standard for a railroad engine that 
allows five different widths of track.  Any single vendor can build workable 
systems (engines, freight cars, and tracks).  All new engines must support all 
five different wheel widths.  It is left up to industry to worry about how to 
make the complete system work.

Detailed comments on draft-ietf-pem-mime-07.txt are provided below.

Paul A. Lambert

Motorola, Inc. 
M/S AZ49-R1209           Internet: Paul_Lambert(_at_)email(_dot_)mot(_dot_)com
8220 E. Roosevelt Rd.    Phone:    +1-602-441-3646
Scottsdale, Az.          Fax:      +1-602-441-8864
     85257  USA

=== Detailed Comments on draft-ietf-pem-mime-07.txt - January 22, 1995 ===

The following are specific comments and recommended changes to draft-ietf-pem-

Number:    1
Type:      Major Editorial
Location:  Page 2, end of paragraph 1 in section 1.
Comment:   The specification claims that only mechanisms are changed when
           in fact the trust models and naming conventions of PEM have 
           been modified.
Change:    Replace last two sentences (Page 2, end of paragraph 1) with:
           "These changes represent a departure in mechanism, trust model,
           and naming conventions.  These changes are detailed in 
           Section 8.

Number:    2
Type:      Major Technical
Location:  Page 3, paragraph 3
Comment:   It is claimed that a key pair is uniquely identified by a name 
           form and key selector combination.  This is not true.  Nothing 
           prevents a name form and key selector from being used by more 
           than one issuing system (user or third party).
Change:    Provide mechanisms and recommendations for name form and key 
           selector usage to prevent multiple name form/key selector pairs.
           Provide a mechanism and/or recommendations to uniquely associate 
           a specific certification chain with a PEM-MIME signature.
           Change text (page 3) to reflect limitations of key pair binding.

Number:    3
Type:      Major Technical
Location:  Page 3
Comment:   The PEM-MIME specification bases security primarily on
           public/private key pairs.  This is a problem when the identity of
           an entity depends not only on the key pair, but also the 
           context of the key certification (whether old PEM 
           model or newer PGP like models).
Change:    Provide text giving recommendations for use of new name forms.
           Provide a mechanism to uniquely associate a specific
           certification chain with a PEM-MIME signature applied to data.

Number:    4
Type:      Major Editorial
Location:  Throughout
Comment:   The PEM-MIME (version 7) specification documents five ways to 
           identify public keys (E-mail Addresses, Arbitrary Strings, 
           Distinguished Name, raw Public Key and Issuer Distinguished 
           Names).  The description of these mechanisms focus on the means 
           to retrieve a public keys.  Digital signatures provide a senders 
           identifty based on the public/private key pair and the context in 
           which the keys might be certified.  The specification does not 
           indicate when and how a "identifier" can be unabibuosly mapped to 
           a single certification chain.  The specification needs to 
           describe when this lack of mapping is a feature and when it is a 
Change:    Add text to describe the usage and limitations of the five 
           identifiers.  Provide recomendations for the usage of each name 
           form (e.g. when is a PK prefered to a EN).

Number:    5
Location:  Page 17
Comment:   The text below is far to fuzzy about the new PEM-MIME 
           certificate formats:
   NOTE: Insofar as a certificate represents a mechanism by which a
   third party vouches for the binding between a name and a public
   key, the signing of an application/pemkey-data body part is a
   similar mechanism.
Change:    Include specific recomendations for the use of signed 
           application/pemkey-data body parts.
           Provide examples of signed application/pemkey-data body parts.

Number:    6
Type:      Major Editorial
Location:  Throughout
Comment:   The RFC1422 hierarchies are still supported in the specification, 
           but no guidelines are provided for resolving what happens when 
           the "top down" 1422 hierarchy meets the "roll your own" PEM-MIME 
           certificate-like structures.  No guidelines are provided for the 
           interworking of the various name forms.
Change:    Provide recommendations for interworking of 1422 certificates 
           with the new name forms and raw public key approaches.

Number:    7
Type:      Major Editorial
Location:  Page 32
Comment:   The references a specification that it claims to replace 
Change:    Text from RFC1421 should be borrowed and placed in the PEM-MIME
           document.  The grammar should be placed in section 9.

Number:    8
Type:      Minor Editorial
Location:  Section 9 and Page 32 (Appendix: Imported Grammar)
Comment:   Separating the imported grammar from the collected grammar makes
           the specification more difficult to read.
Change:    Move the text in Section 14 to Section 9.

Number:    9
Type:      Minor Editorial
Location:  Section 3.1
Comment:   The specification does not address the issues of "white space"
           and digital signatures.  
Change:    Add text that describes white space issues in a digitally signed 
           Suggestion - include an example describing the scanning of signed
           documents that have trailing white space.

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