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Is secure communications required for PEM

1995-01-29 21:40:00> said:

I vaguely thought that PCA's policies were supposes to include a maximum
interval between the issuance of CRL's so, while you might not know the
most recent one actually issued, you could always demand one no older
than this maximum and disbelieve things till you got it.  This
eliminates any secure comm needs.

- - -

Boy, if I were a business that wanted to receive orders over the
internet for quick delivery, the reassurance that I would get from this
statement would really give me a nice warm feeling about how I could be
responsive to my customers and be assured of the full support of the
legal system for any order that I filled based on receiving a PEM order.
Of course I would have to wait a week (or a month or whatever) to ship
until the next CRL were due, or I would need to get a speedy reassurance
that the certificate were valid, but then how is it that I could be
assured that the CA was responding, or that is was the CA...  unless, of
course, it were a secure communications link perhaps?

Peace ..Tom

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