
1999-11-22 17:33:06
I put Version 2 of compressed unicode vtables into

Somehow I could not read unicode tables without visual feedback, so I
combined glyphs downloaded from Unicode place with unicode tables into
a small collection of images.

The directory ../bin contains scripts used for this.  load was working
in August. requires old GD (1.19 or older).  I used
unicode tables supplied with 5.005_62 to annotate pictures.

(Thus glyphs are older than annotations, hope this does not create any
confusion. ;-)


  *) xv views this nice on 1280x1024 screens;
  *) I printed this on Letter-size using 56% magnification of xv (128 dpi).
  *) green-framed glyphs needed scaling;
  *) ""-quoted names (=purple) are old names for control chars;
  *) Names of ranges (from ul corner) are stripped from char names;
  *) The abbreviations used in names:
         lc SMALL LETTER
         uc CAPITAL LETTER
         \w LETTER
         w WITH
         sn SIGN
         mk MARK
         ac ACCENT
         \d DIGIT
  *) Format of the type (=pink):

    general [combining] [<decomposition>] [numeric] ["comment"] [casemap]

     x) "Numeric" looks like =9, ==9, ===9 depending on whether it is a
        decimal digit, digit, or number;
     x) "decomposition" has < and > stripped (but is put into <> after this);
     x) "casemap" is uc=... lc=... tc=... ("..." may contain several chars)
     x) "general" is mapped using
         Lu => 'uc',                  # Letter, Uppercase
         Ll => 'lc',                  # Letter, Lowercase
         Lt => 'Ttlc',                # Letter, Titlecase
         Mn => 'nonspacing Mark',     # Mark, Non-Spacing
         Mc => 'spacing combining mark',  # Mark, Spacing Combining
         Me => 'enclosing mark',          # Mark, Enclosing
         Nd => 'decimal',             # Number, Decimal Digit
         Nl => 'letter-number',       # Number, Letter
         No => 'other-number',        # Number, Other
         Zs => 'space',               # Separator, Space
         Zl => 'line-sep',            # Separator, Line
         Zp => 'paragr-sep',          # Separator, Paragraph
         Cc => 'control',             # Other, Control
         Cf => 'format',              # Other, Format
         Cs => 'surrog',              # Other, Surrogate
         Co => 'private-use',         # Other, Private Use
         Cn => '???',                 # Other, Not Assigned (no)
         Lm => 'modifier-letter',     # Letter, Modifier
         Lo => 'other-letter',        # Letter, Other
         Pc => 'connector',           # Punctuation, Connector
         Pd => 'dash',                # Punctuation, Dash
         Ps => 'punct-open',          # Punctuation, Open
         Pe => 'punct-close',         # Punctuation, Close
         Pi => 'ini-quote',           # Punctuation,  Initial quote (may
                                      behave like Ps or Pe depending
         Pf => 'fin-quote',           # Punctuation,  Final  quote  (may behave 
                                      Ps or Pe depending
         Po => 'other-punct',         # Punctuation, Other
         Sm => 'math',                # Symbol, Math
         Sc => 'currency',            # Symbol, Currency
         Sk => 'modifier-symbol',     # Symbol, Modifier
         So => 'other-symbol',        # Symbol, Other

      x) "combining" is mapped using
         0 => '',                     #: Spacing, split, enclosing, reordrant, 
                                      Tibetan subjoined
         1 => 'over/inter',           #: Overlays and interior
         7 => 'nukta',                #: Nuktas
         8 => 'voicing',              #: Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks
         9 => 'virama',               #: Viramas
         10 => 'fixed-start',         #: Start of fixed position classes
         199 => 'fixed-end',          #: End of fixed position classes
         200 => '|_',                 #: Below left attached
         202 => '_',                  #: Below attached
         204 => '_|',                 #: Below right attached
         208 => '<',                  #: Left attached (reordrant around single 
         210 => '>',                  #: Right attached
         212 => '|~',                 #: Above left attached
         214 => '~',                  #: Above attached
         216 => '~|',                 #: Above right attached
         218 => '||_',                #: Below left
         220 => '__',                 #: Below
         222 => '_||',                #: Below right
         224 => '<<',                 #: Left (reordrant around single base 
         226 => '>>',                 #: Right
         228 => '||~',                #: Above left
         230 => '~~',                 #: Above
         232 => '~||',                #: Above right
         233 => 'vv',                 #: Double below
         234 => '^^',                 #: Double above
         240 => '_iota_',             #: Below (iota subscript)

       [handling of 10..199 whould be improved, right now it prints comb?/num]

Oups, I see now that I forgot to put BIDIR into the syntax type...


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