
Re: perlunitut - feedback appreciated

2001-11-22 20:34:08

I've just been able to look thru the document during the last few
days, it is most impressive.  My attention gets taken away by
features that I didn't know about, such as:

To create Unicode literals, use the \x{...} notation in
doublequoted strings:

    my $smiley = "\x{263a}";

I've just tried using this in a form like:

my $i = "263a"
my $smiley = "\x{$i}";

and was disappointed that it didn't work.  So I'm making a feature
request here.  Another question that came to mind while reading a
pod document on unicode:  is a pod document in unicode safe?  That is
can UTF8 be used in pod without complication?  I recall problems in
5.6 (using "perldoc -t" and setting "less" to use -r I think was the
work around).


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