
Re: Encode test problems in EBCDIC

2002-02-21 21:22:57
   Sure it does scare me.  I have to confess UTF-EBCDIC was totally out 
of mind.  But here I got a hint;  Like what perl used to be, CJK 
encodings are very, very ASCII-chauvinistic;  Its variable-length 
encoding heavily relies on the fact that ascii leaves MSB of the byte 
alone.  That way you can tell if a given byte is a whole (half-width) 
character or half of full-width character.

After some thought I think that might be the case: maybe we should just
give up even thinking about supporting the triplet CJK-Unicode-EBCDIC,
I know the combination of just the latter two has brought my poor brain
close to meltdown...  summary: maybe we should just skip those two tests.
(And I disclaim any notion that they would be "my" tests :-)

$jhi++; #
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