
Encode alias implementation fixed!

2002-03-21 07:01:53
On Thursday, March 21, 2002, at 10:55 , Dan Kogai wrote:
sub define_alias

Sorry. My finger has slipped. I am please to announce that define_aliase() has been fixed now. It was tougher than I though. Changes involve...

+ Encode/ibm-125?.ucm
  Added from icu distibution with any occurance of
   "IBM-125?" to "cp125?".  Filenames remain unchanged to pay
   some respect to icu staff, however.
+ lib/Encode/
  Alias difinitions in relocated.

  But the most important change was in define_alias().
I will release 0.95 after I am done with more pod rewrites. Stay tuned!

define_alias("Dan" => "Yet Another Perl Encode Hacker");