
[Encode] 1.00 released at last!

2002-03-28 17:13:43
=head1 NAME

Encode - 1.00


I am darn pleased to announce that I have just released Encode-1.00. It is avialble via

=head1 Changes since 0.99

! *
  The version of all files is updated to 1.00 via "ci -f -l1.00",
  commemorating version 1.00.  All files, including *.ucm are now
  under version control.
- encode.h
+ Encode/encode.h
  encode.h moved to Encode/ so it will be installed for the later
  use by enc2xs
! enc2xs
  h2xs-like feature added via "h2xs -M Name *.(enc|ucm)"
! Makefile.PL
! */Makefile.PL
- compile
+ bin/enc2xs
  compile renamed to enc2xs.
  Affected Makefle.PL updated
- lib/CN/
  "Punt it. HanExtra can take care of that later." -- Autrijus
  Message-Id: <20020328154338(_dot_)GA7351(_at_)not(_dot_)autrijus(_dot_)org>
! Encode/johab.ucm
! Encode/euc-kr.ucm
! Encode/ksc5601.ucm
! lib/Encode/
! lib/Encode/KR/
  Table patches for Euro Signs, 2022-KR fixups by Jungshik
! Makefile.PL
+ bin/piconv
  bin/ added for example scripts.  They are not installed by default.
  to install them, "perl Makefile.PL USE_SCRIPTS".
  piconv is iconv reinvented in perl.  in addition to all features
  of iconv, it also adds perlish features.  See L<piconv/1> for more
! lib/Encode/
  qr/^ replaced with qr/\b so it directly matches locale names
  such as en_US.US-ASCII
! t/Aliases.t
  Patch by MJD to fix the following problem applied.
  Subject: [PATCH 5.7.3 Encode]
    Aliases.t not properly skipped when Encode extension not built
  Message-Id: <20020328091850(_dot_)18677(_dot_)qmail(_at_)plover(_dot_)com>
! lib/Encode/KR/
! lib/Encode/
  Another patch from Jungshik to make iso-2022-kr actually work
! Encode/Encode/euc-kr.ucm
+ Encode/Encode/johab.ucm
! Encode/Encode/ksc5601.ucm
! Encode/KR/
! Encode/KR/Makefile.PL
! Encode/lib/Encode/
! t/Alias.t
  Johab support and complete revision of Korean Encoding by Jungshik
  Revised to make up with now-dropped Encode::Details.
- lib/Encode/Details.pod
  Dropped.  Besides being obsolete, the topics are now covered in
  respective pods now.
! t/Alias.t
  Korean aliases fixed thanks to Jungshik Shin
   /ks[-_ ]?c[-_ ]?5601-1987$/i => cp936
! *.pm
  =head1 NAME added to all modules to make buildtoc happy
  Message-Id: <20020327041151(_dot_)A10618(_at_)alpha(_dot_)hut(_dot_)fi>
- lib/Encode/CJKguide.pod
  Too controversial and dropped from the dist.  Will be available
  separately on the web.
! Encode/*.ucm
  RCS tags added so table debugging gets easier (should that be
  needed!  I hope they all stay 1.00!)
+ lib/Encode/CJKguide.pod
  A detailed guide to mainly, but not limited to, CJK multibyte
- Encode/roman8.ucm
+ Encode/hp-roman8.ucm
! Byte/Makefile.PL
! Encode/Supported.pod
  All occurance of "roman8" replaced with "hp-roman8" to avoid
! Encode/Supported.pod
! Encode/mac*.ucm
! t/Alias.t
  Mac Encodings now comply the Inside Macintosh
! t/Alias.t
  Test for '-raw' conventions added.
! Encode/
  aliased  gb2312 -> euc-cn, ksc5601 -> euc-kr
! Encode/gb12345.ucm
! Encode/gb2312.ucm
! Encode/ksc5601.ucm
  "-raw" appended to canonical names.
  File mames stay unchanged thanks to UCM format.
! lib/Encode/CN/
  Patch from Autrijus to fix gb2312 -> gb2312-raw + code linting
  Message-Id: <20020326035210(_dot_)GA2091(_at_)not(_dot_)autrijus(_dot_)org>

=head1 CAVEATS

* compile is now renamed bin/enc2xs , with h2xs-like Makefile.PL generation feature added. Classical functions of what was then compile remains unchanged (not even indentation was touched :) This script MAY be added to perl/utils like h2xs.

=head1 Tested under....


* perl5.7.3 Makefile.PL
* merged DEVEL15550 and Configure; make ; make test

On MacOS X 10.1.3
* the same

=head1 Supported Encodings

>perl5.7.3 -MEncode -e 'print scalar Encode->encodings(":all")'
> perl5.7.3 -MEncode -e 'print sort join(", ", Encode->encodings(":all"))' 7bit-jis, big5, big5-hkscs, big5plus, cp1047, cp1250, cp1251, cp1252, cp1253, cp1254, cp1255, cp1256, cp1257, cp1258, cp37, cp932, cp936, cp949, cp950, dingbats, euc-cn, euc-jp, euc-kr, euc-tw, gb12345-raw, gb18030, gb2312-raw, gsm0338, hp-roman8, hz, iso-2022-jp, iso-2022-jp-1, iso-8859-1, iso-8859-10, iso-8859-11, iso-8859-13, iso-8859-14, iso-8859-15, iso-8859-16, iso-8859-2, iso-8859-3, iso-8859-4, iso-8859-5, iso-8859-6, iso-8859-7, iso-8859-8, iso-8859-9, iso-ir-165, johab, koi8-f, koi8-r, koi8-u, ksc5601-raw, MacCentralEurRoman, MacCroatian, MacCyrillic, MacDingbats, MacGreek, MacIcelandic, MacJapanese, MacRoman, MacRumanian, MacSami, MacThai, MacTurkish, MacUkrainian, nextstep, posix-bc, shiftjis, symbol, UCS-2, UCS-2le, US-ascii, UTF-8, viscii

=head1 AUTHORS

Anton Tagunov
Autrijus Tang
Dan Kogai
Gerrit P. Haase
Jarkko Hietaniemi
Jungshik Shin
Mark-Jason Dominus
Michael G Schwern
Nicholas Clark
Nick Ing-Simmons
Paul Marquess
Spider Boardman

=head1 Thanks!

to all members of Perl community for the support, not just the ones who sent us feedbacks but also who implicity support us by using Perl. Yet Another Society is a member of Unicode Consortium (I didn't know that till recently!) so those who have sent contributions to YAS deserve the credit as well :) If there was no Unicode, no Encode was possible after all.

Version 1.00 it may be, Encode is still a work in progress and tour de hack continues. But for the time being, let me get a life for a while.

....Man, that was hell of the work.

Dan the Maintainer of Perl Encode


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