
Re[2]: converting Japanese chars into their Unicode values using 5.8's Encode

2002-09-19 08:30:05
Hi Nick,

thank you so much for solving that problem! I didn't know that
"Unicode" is a valid canonical name of an available encoding, since

use Encode;
my @all_encodings = Encode->encodings(":all");
print join("\n", @all_encodings);

does not include it on my machine.


On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, 13:35 GMT+01 (14:35 local time) Nick Ing-Simmons

Robert Allerstorfer <roal(_at_)anet(_dot_)at> writes:

I want to convert source code written in the Japanese shift_jis
character set, into their Unicode numbers. For instance, "??" should
result in "U+691C" (which is 26908 in decimal). I tried using the
Encode module of Perl 5.8 with something like this:

       use Encode::JP;
       my $string = "??";
       Encode::from_to($string, "shiftjis", "utf8");
       my $ord = join("\n", unpack('U*', $string));
       print "$string\n$ord";

from_to does what it says. In that case you took shiftjis decoded
it to Unicode then re-encoded as UTF-8 octets.

What you might have meant was to get Unicode rather than the re-encoded form: 

        use Encode::JP;
        my $string = "??";
        Encode::from_to($string, "shiftjis", "Unicode");
        binmode STDOUT,':utf8';
        print length($string)," chars '$string'\n";
        my $ord = join("\n", map( ord($_),split(//,$string)));
        print "$ord";