
[OT] That annoying yen mark! [Was: Re: [Encode] ...]

2002-10-18 08:30:07
On Friday, Oct 18, 2002, at 22:25 Asia/Tokyo, Nicholas Clark wrote:
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 10:21:07PM +0900, Dan Kogai wrote:

AFAIK, CP¥d+ should be avoided for any data exchanged in the Net so you
Yen sign? That should be a backslash, as in CP\d+  ?

Right. The smart-ass (among other *.app) does this to me when your input method is Japanese and '\' is typed. I have configured Kotoeri (the input method) to be English-friendly --does Kana-Kanji conversion when and only when caps lock is set (much more convenient than toggling Keyboard script with command-space) but even that won't stop replacing slashes with yen mark. You have to get Kotoeri out of picture, something you would so easily forget in apps like Mail.

[I seem to remember something about some Japanese character sets swapping
\ and ¥ so that the Yen sign had a 7 bit value.

As you see now '\' appears correctly because I now toggled off Kotoeri now. I usually notice this on because the difference is critical but not

Well, at least with MacOS X you can TELL THE DIFFERENCE even though it is sometimes annoying; Win* won't even let you notice that and you are trapped in "Yen jail" :)

Dan the Man with Too Many (Script|Encoding|Charset)s to Fiddle With

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