
Re: [not-yet-a-PATCH] compress Encode better

2002-11-04 03:30:04
<hv(_at_)crypt(_dot_)org> writes:
Nicholas Clark <nick(_at_)unfortu(_dot_)net> wrote:
:I've been experimenting with how enc2xs builds the C tables that turn into the
:shared objects. enc2xs is building tables (arrays of struct encpage_t) which
:in turn have pointers to blocks of bytes.

Great, you seem to be getting some excellent results.

I have also wondered whether the .ucm files are needed after these
have been built; if not, we should consider supplying with perl only
the optimised table data if that could give us a space saving in the
distribution - it would cut build time significantly as well as
allowing us to consider algorithms that take much longer over the
table optimisation, since they need be run only once when we
integrate updated .ucm files.

The main reason the "compile" was left in was that the tables are different 
for UTF-EBCDIC machines. Otherwise just shipping the .C files used 
to generate the .so-s is a good idea - I was also struggling to come up 
with a "data" format that would be as efficent in space/time as the code

If we eliminate .ucm-s from distribution then I think it would be 
useful to have something which will print them out from the internal 

Nick Ing-Simmons