
Re: CGI and UTF

2003-01-19 09:30:05
On Sat, 18 Jan 2003, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:

Now Perl-5.8.1-to-be has been changed to

(1) not to do any implicit UTF-8-ification of any filehandles unless
    explicitly asked to do so (either by the -C command line switch
    or by setting the env var PERL_UTF8_LOCALE to a true value, the switch
    wins if both are present) (and if the locale settings do not indicate
    a UTF-8 locale, both are silent no-ops)

(2) illegal UTF-8 causing a -w(arning) immediately when read in e.g. by <>
    (an immediate croak is a possibility, but a warning is how it now works,
    and a croak would be, err, even more non-traditional for UNIX...)

Note that the above do not change the fact that if a *programmer* wants
their code to be UTF-8 aware, they need to think about the evil binmode().

Wonderful. :) This will definitely simplify the day I have to migrate our
existing codebase to 5.8.

Thank you.

Benjamin Franz

"If the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong."
                                        -- Norm Schryer, Bell Labs 

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