
Re: Problem displaying UTF8 characters in HTML generated by a Perl script

2003-01-23 14:30:07
I'm not sure about your code, but you can quickly check if it's a font problem by going to .

This page, encoded in utf-8, displays many languages (including Russian). If the Russian renders correctly, then it's not a font issue.........

BTW: In my experience, a recent OS with a recent browser - NS7/IE6 generally takes care of font display issues.



Tay, William wrote:
I am developing a Web application using Perl and a database. The Perl script is responsible for getting data from the database and then generate a HTML page. The data to be retrieved is encoded in UTF8. Here's part of my script: ...
print( start_html( { -head=>meta({-http_equiv=>'Content-Type', 
-content=>'text/html; charset=utf-8'}), ...
# Get data from DB
print( "<select name = \"Games\">\n" );
while ( @row = $statementHandle->fetchrow_array() ) {
   print( "<option>" );
   print( "$row[ 2 ]. $row[ 1 ], $row[ 0 ]" );
$test="$row[ 2 ]. $row[ 1 ], $row[ 0 ]";
   print( "</option>" );
print( "</select>\n" );
print( h2($test) );
$test contains some Russian characters encoded in UTF8. On display, it showed up as thick bars in the list box. However, print( h2($test) ) shows the correct Russian characters. I am wondering if it is a font problem. But if it is, why should the latter be displayed correctly? Would appreciate your comments and help. Will

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