
Re: unicode on windows

2003-11-21 02:30:08
[ sent as utf8 ]

At 6:13 pm -0800 20/11/03, Neelima Bandla wrote:

    I am trying to create a japanese file on a windows
 machine, Below is the code I am using to do so.
     my @array = (0x5f89  ,0x623f,0x5f89,0x623f);
     my $str1 =  pack("U*", @array);
     open(FD, ">$filepath\\$str1") or die( "$!");
     close FD;

I needed to change "$filepath\\$str1" to "$filepath\$str1" to get the right filename but otherwise no problems (Perl 5.8.2, Mac OS 10.3)

     I have uploaded my machine with japanese fonts,
 when I create manually from the windows machine, I see
 the exact japanese font that the hex should show.

 But when I use the above code, I am seeing a different
 file name. I am not sure why I am seeing this. Can
 someone help me with this.

What happens if you do this:

## chdir "$ENV{HOME}/temp" ;  ## or whatever...
$f = "\x{5f89}\x{623f}\x{5f89}\x{623f}";
open F, ">$f" or die $! ;

Result: 徉房徉房


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