
Re: Converting string to UTF-16LE

2004-02-29 14:30:05

At 6:19 pm +0100 25/2/04, Sebastian Lehmann wrote:

Can anybody tell me how to work with UTF8 and UTF16 in the same script? Any
help would be greatly appreciated.

Suppose that /tmp/iba.txt contains the text "ibañez" in UCS-2, preceded by the BOM, then this works here (Perl 5.8.3)

use Encode qw/encode decode/;
my $f_16 = qq~/tmp/iba.txt~;
open F16, qq~$f_16~;
my $ucs2 = <F16> ;
my $utf8 = decode("UCS-2BE", $ucs2)  ;
print uc $utf8 ;

Does that help?


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