
Resolving charset names with Encode

2004-10-20 13:30:06

  What is currently the best way to resolve charset names to use them
with I would have expected that e.g.

  Encode::decode('ebcdic-cp-us', '')

would just work but it does not appear to know that alias. Then I've
tried to use I18N::Charset as in

  Encode::decode(I18N::Charset::enco_charset_name('ebcdic-cp-us'), '')

which also fails. Then I've tried something simpler using the cp037

  Encode::decode('cp037', '')
  Encode::decode(I18N::Charset::enco_charset_name('cp037'), '')

which both fail, too. In order to use the encoding with Encode it seems
I have to use "CP37" which is not registered in the IANA registry... So
this does not seem to work very well. It works better in other cases
such as

  Encode::decode('l1', '')                                   # fails
  Encode::decode(I18N::Charset::enco_charset_name('l1'), '') # works

Now I would have hoped there is a foo() in I18N::Charset that I could
use as in

  foreach my $name (I18N::Charset::foo)
    my $alias = I18N::Charset::enco_charset_name();
    Encode::Alias::define_alias($name, "'$alias'") if defined $alias;

that would make

  Encode::decode('l1', '');

work, but it seems that there is no such routine... What could be done
to improve this? Ideally I would like to reduce my code to deal with
this stuff to at most

  use I18N::Charset qw(...);

preferably less.


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