
Re: filtering out non-Japanese

2004-12-15 03:30:10
At 10:22 am +0100 15/12/04, Marco Baroni wrote:

I have a long text ostensibly in utf-8, and I would like to get rid of all the lines that contain anything BUT kanji, katakana or hiragana (thus, throwing away Latin, but also digits, punctuation, etc.)

There's probably a better way to do it but here I print only characters in the hiragana range or the 0-9 range:

use encoding "UTF-8";
$line = "123_.latin,\x{30AA}fran\x{00E7}ais";
for (split //, $line) {
        m~[\x{3041}-\x{30ff}]|[0-9]~ and print;


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